Why Study Data Science?
The volume, rate, and importance of data is growing exponentially, with more data being created in the past two years than in all history combined. At the University of Oregon we’re bringing our strengths as a liberal arts university to the field – to not only ask what can we do with data – but what should we do? As a student in the Data Science major, you will gain quantitative, computational, and analytical skills that will help launch you directly into the workforce.
Data Science Plus
The UO’s data science program has a data science + domain structure, which means you study core quantitative methods – and apply those methods to your chosen area of emphasis (or “domain”).
This gives you a strong understanding of how to extract data using quantitative methods such as math, statistics, and machine learning, and how to visually communicate those results in ways that are relevant to your chosen domain.
You'll take two to three core courses, providing insight into the basics of the domain. After completing the quantitative skills in the program, you then take four elective domain courses – providing the opportunity to apply those quantitative skills to data sets within the area.
You can choose from ten different domain areas – and we are working across the university to build more.
Domain Areas:

Tomorrow’s Data Scientists
“I started studying at UO in 2017, and data science felt in line with what I wanted to do in the future. Getting my degree felt flexible. I was able to choose a domain I liked from the many available choices and the courses are offered fairly frequently.”
—Brian Kim, Economics domain, '22

Real-World Experience
The Department of Data Science offers students a variety of opportunities to apply their learning to the field. In addition to internship and capstone opportunities, students are encouraged to join student groups, get involved in research, and travel abroad.
Advising and Academic Support
Declaring a major in Data Science begins with an intake meeting where an advisor helps chart a path through the major based on the student’s goals and domain area.