Individual study courses (40x courses) provide upper division Computer Science students with an opportunity to learn outside of a regular classroom setting, for example, in seminars or individualized study courses such as internship or research. Out-of-classroom learning experiences can greatly enrich the undergraduate major; students are encouraged to explore 40x opportunities and to schedule an appointment to discuss any of them with a CS faculty advisor.
To register for an individual study course, students should fill out an Individualized Study Approval Form and review this with a CS advisor or faculty supervisor. Students must have completed CIS 313 to be eligible to register for CIS 40x courses. All 40x courses (except for some 407 seminars) require instructor approval. Signed forms should be submitted at the Computer Science office, where proposals will be processed. Students will be notified by email when they are able to register for the class.
All 40x courses (except CIS 405 Reading) are Pass/NoPass only.
A maximum of 8 credits in CIS courses with numbers less than 410 may be applied to the Computer Science major upper-division electives requirement. Courses numbered 400-409 may be taken for a maximum of 4 credits when used to satisfy this requirement. Courses numbered 399, 407, or 410 may be repeated only with different course subtitles.