The Department of Computer Science provides a broad, comprehensive education that prepares graduates to adapt to future opportunities and create them. Computer science is a vast source of intellectual challenges, from understanding the fundamental mathematics of computational complexity to designing the next generation of internet protocols to organizing and distributing vast stores of genomics data.

Incoming Students
Computer science offers students the challenge and excitement of a dynamically evolving science whose discoveries and applications affect every aspect of modern life.

Current UO Students
A computer science major offers many ways to customize your academic focus.
- We offer four interdisciplinary tracks in collaboration with the Lundquist College of Business, the Department of Art, and the Department of Biology.
- Three internal tracks highlight the strengths of our cutting-edge research faculty.
- The mathematics and computer science degree offers students the opportunity to study computer science while retaining strong foundations in mathematics.
- The cybersecurity degree is deeply rooted in computer science and offers core and depth courses in cybersecurity.

How to Apply to Graduate Programs
The MS degree program prepares students for ever-expanding career opportunities. Possibilities range from the development of time-critical software for aerospace applications and the design of graphics and animation software to implementation and testing of next-generation internet protocols.
The PhD is an advanced degree reserved for students who demonstrate both a comprehensive understanding of computer science and an ability to do creative research.
Scholarships & Funding
CS offers multiple grants to help fund both undergraduate and graduate students during their time at the UO. Our PhD students are fully supported by various research funding sources. Recent interdisciplinary research initiatives have resulted in prominent research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and the National Institutes of Health.