Student Groups

Connect with peers in the Computer Science Department

Women in Computer Science (WICS)

The CS Women in Computer Science group (WICS) is a network for undergraduate and graduate women students, faculty, and staff in our department. instagram

Fall 2024 meetings TBD

UO Cybersecurity Club

We are a group of UO students engaged in exploring the field of cybersecurity, ranging from presentations to guest speakers, to competing in capture the flag competitions. discord

Fall 2024 meetings TBD

Oregon Software Consulting (OSC)

Our mission is to empower students to apply their software, business, and technology development skills to solve real-world problems for organizations, businesses, and individuals that they may face. We are dedicated to engaging students to innovate and deliver customized solutions. Oregon Software Consultants is devoted to valuable hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and helping students achieve their goals.

Fall 2024 meetings TBD

Game Dev Club

Game Dev Club is dedicated to providing students with support in learning game development skills. Opportunities include game jams, individual learning support, and long-form game projects. Programmers, artists, designers, and musicians are welcome. discord

Meets in the Visualization Lab in the Price Science Commons (PSC), Fall 2024 meeting TBD

Leet Club

UO Leet Club is a group designed to develop fundamental problem-solving techniques to provide additional means of preparation for students looking to venture into a career in tech. Our emphasis is on the crucial topic of Data Structures and Algorithms; however, we also encourage chances for students to network with their fellow peers outside of a classroom setting. Feel free to reach out! discord instagram

Fall 2024 meetings TBD

Makers Club

Our objective is to improve our proficiency in coding while also advancing our expertise in areas such as hobbyist electronics design and creation, computer hardware, and prototyping.

Meets in the MakerSpace in Price Science Commons (PSC), Fall 2024 meeting TBD

AI Club

AI Club is a CS-led, interdisciplinary group of students interested in AI and AI tools.  Fall 2024 meetings TBD.

Interested in starting a student club?

First create a website for your club clearly identifying the club's name, primary focus, and a regular meeting time/place.  Popular website hosting solutions are,, and  Email your website URL and the names/emails of the club organizers to

Oregon Programming Languages Summer School

The Oregon Programming Languages Summer School has been devoted for twenty years to teaching the principles of programming languages to students and professionals. Although the topics vary from year to year, the unifying theme is the importance of fundamental theory to the design and implementation of programming languages, the development of program verification tools, and the application of advanced programming languages to practice. The summer school attracts participants from around the world and is often able to subsidize the participation of qualified attendees with limited resources. More than a thousand participants have attended OPLSS since its inception in 2002. The summer school is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and by generous grants from numerous companies over the years.