Winter 2025 CS Student Groups
Interested in starting a student club?
Contact to discuss your idea. CS faculty advisors can help you get started with:
- three or more interested students who are willing to take on club leadership for the current academic year
- faculty advisor (we can help with this if needed)
- regularly scheduled, accessible to all CS majors, meetings; meeting space
- a website for your club clearly identifying the club’s name, primary focus, regular meeting time/place, and contact information
- club information will be posted on the CS student orgs web page.
CS supports student groups! For example, we can:
- post meeting date reminders and other club information to the CS (and DSCI) majors listservs
- provide some funding for club activities, for example, snacks for meetings or travel to regional contest and gatherings.
All funding must be approved in advance! Send email with your funding request to with a cc: to club leadership and faculty advisor.
Computer Science appreciates your initiative! Please let us know if you can think of other ways we can support you.
CS Student Groups Winter 2025
Women in Computer Science (WICS)
The CS Women in Computer Science group (WICS) is a network for undergraduate and graduate women students, faculty, and staff in our department. instagram
Winter 2025 meetings Fridays 3-4pm 127 Deschutes
UO Cybersecurity Club
We are a group of UO students dedicated to exploring the world of cybersecurity. We provide a space for presentations and guest speakers, networking, and resources for hands-on learning. We also compete with other universities in capture the flag competitions! Find us on Discord, Instagram, or email us.
Winter 2025 meetings Thursdays 5:45p in PSC (Science Library) B040
Oregon Software Consulting (OSC)
Our mission is to empower students to apply their software, business, and technology development skills to solve real-world problems for organizations, businesses, and individuals that they may face. We are dedicated to engaging students to innovate and deliver customized solutions. Oregon Software Consultants is devoted to valuable hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and helping students achieve their goals.
Winter 2025 meetings Wednesdays 6p 251 Straub Hall, starts week 2, open to anyone
Leet Club
Leet Club is a community of motivated computer science students dedicated to enhancing their coding, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. Through weekly meetings and 1-2 special events per term, we help members build confidence and prepare for future careers in technology. Whether you're looking to improve your skills or connect with like-minded peers, Leet Club is the place to grow as a developer. discord instagram
Meets Thursdays 6:00pm in the Dream Lab, Knight Library
AI Student Association
AISA is an inclusive organization focused on exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence across all fields. Our mission is to educate members on the newest AI tools, discuss weekly news, and provide hands-on learning opportunities for all students. AISA highlights our industry speakers, hackathons, workshops, discussions, and projects that empower members to innovate and grow.
Winter 2025 meetings are Mondays at 6 PM in Lillis 175. Find us now at our website, Discord and our Instagram.
Código Latino
Are you looking for a place to share your ideas, experiences as well as to learn professional skills from various industries? We are a Hispanic community that seeks to bring together pride in identity and applicative learning in a fun and relaxing environment.
Código Latino (Latin Code) is a club where we offer the space to explore the tech world through coding projects, building resumes/LinkedIn, and creating professional connections. Our mission is to offer an interactive place for professional knowledge, providing advancement for Hispanics in the world of technology and innovation.
Winter 2025 meetings are Mondays at 5:30 PM in EMU 132 (Metolius Room). Everyone is welcome!
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School
The Oregon Programming Languages Summer School has been devoted for twenty years to teaching the principles of programming languages to students and professionals. Although the topics vary from year to year, the unifying theme is the importance of fundamental theory to the design and implementation of programming languages, the development of program verification tools, and the application of advanced programming languages to practice. The summer school attracts participants from around the world and is often able to subsidize the participation of qualified attendees with limited resources. More than a thousand participants have attended OPLSS since its inception in 2002. The summer school is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and by generous grants from numerous companies over the years.