Data Science

A Week of SCDS Events Connects Industry Experts with Future Colleagues

COMPUTER SCIENCE, DATA SCIENCE - With the largest tech market in the world, the U.S. is projected to have approximately 377,500 competitive job openings each year for the next decade. Keeping students who will graduate from the School of Computer and Data Sciences connected with the industry and its key players opens a door to this expansive job market.

Interrogating AI

COMPUTER SCIENCE, DATA SCIENCE - Artificial intelligence can predict disasters and detect fine art forgeries. But can it help students learn what they need to succeed in a rapidly changing workplace—and at what cost?

Coding for the Coast

EARTH SCIENCES, DATA SCIENCE - Clark Honors College senior and data science major Lynette Wotruba took up data science three years into her college career. Today, she’s working with the Department of Earth Sciences to make information about the dangers of tsunamis accessible to communities along the Oregon coast.