COMPUTER SCIENCE, DATA SCIENCE - Artificial intelligence can predict disasters and detect fine art forgeries. But can it help students learn what they need to succeed in a rapidly changing workplace—and at what cost?
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Senior Instructor Phil Colbert is one of three recipients of the Tykeson Teaching Award, an annual prize given to one outstanding faculty member in each division of the College of Arts and Sciences who goes above and beyond in the classroom.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Success at the University of Oregon looks different for each student, from academic achievement to personal growth to career readiness. Fedi Aniefua is planning to start his career as a software developer at Amazon in Seattle this July.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Ethan Dinh, a computer science major, gave the winning presentation on his CHC thesis topic, “Proteomic Signatures of Tibial Bone Stress Reinjury.” Using a conversational tone and a quick wit, he was able to convey a complete understanding to the audience about his study of fractured leg bones in recreational women athletes.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Robotics champion and international women's education advocate Saghar Salehi escaped a certain death in Afghanistan to continue her fight for Afghan women’s rights as a computer science major at the UO College of Arts and Sciences.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - When Ramakrishnan (Ram) Durairajan, associate professor and Ripple Fellow in the School of Computer and Data Science, decided it was time to take on the beast that is the internet, he came prepared. Durairajan’s team is developing a new, more agile defense framework that can be programmed to control network infrastructure and forward behavior.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Cybersecurity jobs to protect users and companies from hackers are in growing demand, and a new undergraduate degree in the College of Arts and Sciences is training students to fill that role. Launched in the fall of 2023, the cybersecurity major combines rigorous courses and hands-on fieldwork with the aim of preparing students to hit the ground running in a cybersecurity career.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Robotics champion and international women's education advocate Saghar Salehi escaped certain death in Afghanistan to continue her fight for Afghan women’s rights as a computer science major in the UO College of Arts and Sciences. Read more in the March/April issue of CAS Connection.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Funded by a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), computer science researchers at the College of Arts and Sciences are partnering with Rutgers University to answer that question while shoring up the region’s network of earthquake sensors and wildfire cameras.
COMPUTER SCIENCE, DATA SCIENCE - Whether to help conservation managers set hunting limits for mule deer, aid rangers in poaching prevention on African wildlife reserves, or inform public health officers about reducing the prevalence of diabetes in rural India—the tools of data science are increasingly being applied to fields where their utility has historically been less obvious.