COMPUTER SCIENCE - UO computer scientists have been awarded more than $1 million from the National Science Foundation to design better methods to monitor computer networks.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Allen Malony, a UO Professor of Computer Science, will be taking his expertise and eagerness for collaboration to Finland this summer as he partakes in his fifth Fulbright Scholar Award.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Cybersecurity is a growing emphasis in the University of Oregon Department of Computer Science. Department faculty in the UO Center for Cyber Security and Privacy collaborate with colleagues from philosophy, law, business, and other areas to research—and help thwart—threats to internet traffic, cryptocurrency, social media networks, infrastructure security, and more.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Assistant professor Ramakrishnan Durairajan has been awarded a Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation for his research into computer networks that use multiple cloud computing services.
HISTORY, COMPUTER SCIENCE, RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Open Oregon Educational Resources has awarded four grants, totaling more than $101,000, to University of Oregon faculty members who proposed innovative ideas for textbook and resource solutions.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Ram Durairajan wants to future-proof the Internet, and three new grants will help him do so. The UO computer scientist has scored more than $2 million in funding from the National Science Foundation and $200,000 from the Internet Society Foundation.
Ten University of Oregon undergraduates had the chance to spend part of the summer honing their research skills through programs that offered a chance to pursue their own scholarly projects. The students were chosen for one of two types of research grants.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - The University of Oregon’s annual Cyber Resilience Summit will bring in expertise from federal investigators as well as leaders from the private sector to discuss cyberthreats and share skills to combat them. The one-day online summit will be preceded by a new UO-hosted statewide cyber competition.
The 14 fellowship recipients are pursuing projects in a range of disciplines, from conducting a study of the experiences and health of transgender people of color during COVID-19 to research that seeks to increase the accessibility of hydrogen fuel usage to an investigation of the effect of video-coaching interventions for early childhood caregivers.